Lomi Lomi Massage for Better Sleep

hawaii beach

When traveling to Hawaii, it’s best to stay healthy and be 100% when traveling to fully enjoy the vacation. One thing people often struggle with is jet lag, which can negatively affect the quality of your sleep keep you from doing all the activities you’ve planned! Getting a Lomi Lomi massage after a long plane ride alleviates jet lag and increases your sleep quality. Get over jet lag quickly with a relaxing massage, and make the trip more fulfilling♪

You Can Fall Asleep During a Massage

“Shoots, I fell asleep during a Lomi Lomi!” “Sorry, I couldn’t stay awake, it was just too relaxing”…some of you may think you need to stay awake for the duration of the massage, but it’s completely fine to fall asleep! It’s sometimes better to doze off, as it helps you release all the tensions from the muscles. Adding a gentle pressure on a relaxed muscles is the most effective way of massage.

You can of course stay fully awake and relax emotionally as well. Staying semi-conscious or half-asleep is the best state to be in while getting a massage.

About Lomi Lomi Massage

Here are the benefits of a Lomi Lomi message and how you can maximize the positive effects.

lomi lomi massage

<Benefits of Lomi Lomi Massage>

Lomi Lomi massage can improve the blood circulation and lymphatic system, which can restore the overall body functions. It can help to alleviate the chronic symptoms and fatigue. It is considered as one of the relaxation methods that could provide stress-relieving and healing effects. In a long run, it can help boost your immune system. Lomi Lomi got your back!

☆Restores overall body function
☆Reduces inflammation
☆Fights tiredness
☆Relieves stress
☆Boosts immune system
☆Balance nervous system

<Benefits of Deep Sleep>
・Combats fatigue
・Prevents chronic diseases
・Reduces stress
・Prevents obesity
・Improves skin
・Improves memory
・Improves concentration

<Tips to Maximize the Benefits>
①Stay Hydrated
Drinking lots of water after a massage will help muscles cells stay hydrated and healthy. Hydrated muscles cells can eliminate waste products and detox more easily. You may feel cramps after a massage if you are too dehydrated, so make sure to drink water!

②Avoid Eating Right Before a Massage
We recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after a meal to get a massage, as you will be lying down on your stomach. Avoid coming in when you are really full!

③Keep Yourself Warm
Staying warm helps with blood and lymphatic circulations, which can enhance the benefits of a full body massage. We keep our room temperature slightly higher. You can also get your body warm before coming in to our salon to get the most out of a massage.

All Private Rooms for a Personal Experience

private massage rooms

We believe that a massage spa should be a place to guide people to the ultimate relaxation and best sleep. At Cocolomi Massage, we offer private rooms for customers, so everyone can enjoy the massage in their own space. If you have any specific requests for lighting, room temperature, or music volume, let your masseuse know and we will try our best to accommodate. Our massages are best for those with jet lag, tiredness from a flight, chronic migraines, shoulder pain, strained eyes, insomnia, or stress.

We would love to help you improve those conditions and live your life with more ease and happiness. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Offering a special promotion until the end of September, 2021.


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