Lomi Lomi + Foot Massage Menu

Looking to relax the whole body? Try our Lomi Lomi + Foot Reflexology combination menu!

lomi lomi + foot reflexology

Our combination menu combines Lomi Lomi and Foot Reflexology, targeting the whole body as well as mental health. It is one of the most popular menus at Cocolomi Massage among repeat visitors.

What is Reflexology?

For more information on Lomi Lomi, see the article here.

Reflexology is a treatment that is believed to restore the body balance, fight fatigue, and improve the skin condition.Foot Reflexology

Reflexology stimulates the reflex areas on the soles of the feet to massage the organs connected to those areas and leads to improved overall body function.

Not only is it effective for the physical body, but it also has a positive effect on the emotional health. A gentle stimulation on the foot will balance out the nervous system, which could help your mind relax, reduce stress, and improve the quality of your sleep.

Reflexology can improve your physical and mental health, helping you maintain good health and skin.

Benefits of Foot Reflexology

Foot Massage Spa

1. Increases body temperature
By massaging the soles of the feet, it makes it easier for the blood to flow throughout the body and circulate, warming the whole body and raising the temperature. The immune system gets stronger 5-6 times with an increased body temperature. Getting a reflexology regularly can help restore the normal body temperature and improve circulation.

2. Helps maintain weight
Foot reflexology delivers oxygen to all cells throughout the body, facilitating the elimination of waste products, boosting metabolism, and making it easier to burn fat cells. When waste products are not excreted properly and continue to accumulate in the body, it can lead to weigh gain. By incorporating reflexology to a daily life, it can help maintain weight.

3. Strengthens immune system
Immune system gets boosted when the body temperature and metabolism increases. Your body will have enough stamina to fight back the cold and less likely to get severe symptoms with foot reflexology.

4. Reduces foot swelling
Foot reflexology can improve lymphatic and blood flows, which makes it difficult for cellulite to form. Cellulite can form not only from standing for too long, but also from sitting down. In addition, an unbalanced diet and coldness can also lead to swelling of the feet. The swelling is usually temporary, but it can turn into a permanent condition if left untreated. When the lymphatic and blood flows are blocked, it can cause a decreased metabolism and body starts to store fat cells. The combination of fat and waste products can form more cellulite, which is hard to loosen up. Foot reflexology can detox fat and waste products, prevent cellulite from forming, and remove swelling from the legs.

5. Relax
It not only gives a pleasant stimulus to the reflective part of the sole of the foot, but also brings a relaxing effect with a high sense of security and warmth when touching the skin with bare hands. In the reflexology procedure, alpha waves, which indicate that the brain is in a relaxed state, are more likely to appear in the brain waves.

6. Keep youthfulness 
It improves blood circulation, circulates fresh oxygen throughout the body, improves metabolism and maintains youthfulness. Stimulating the reflex areas, such as the soles of the feet, not only increases metabolism, but also exerts force on the internal organs and other parts of the body, activating the functions of the internal organs. As a result, the skin beautification effect is enhanced and the skin becomes more youthful.

7. Stress relief
This is to regulate the autonomic nerves by comfortably stimulating the reflex areas such as the soles of the feet, deepening sleep and facilitating refreshment of the mind and body. Stress builds up little by little in our daily lives and in our interactions with various people. It has the effect of reducing and relieving troublesome stress.

Lomi Lomi + Foot Reflexology Discount Price

Foot Massage with Lomi Lomi

We are currently offering a special price for the Lomi Lomi + Foot Reflexology menu until the end of September, 2021.

60 min $135 → $90
90 min $175 →$120

Hawaii residents (Kama’aina) can get an additional 20% for Lomi Lomi services. You must show a valid state ID or driver’s license to receive the Kama’aina discount.

We look forward to welcoming you at our salon. Feel free to contact us for any questions!


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